Kitchen Up Date

Some day's I feel so overwhelmed with all the work we have been doing since the fire. Just when I think things are winding down there is something else needing to get done. Some days I just stand back and look around and thank God for everything He has given us. It has been a long road and many many months of recovery. I truly believe we could never have kept a sound mind with out the Peace of God that truly passeth understanding !
Here are some pictures of where the Kitchen is currently. It's coming together. Still needs a lot of work: Trim & Major Touch Ups.
I sooooo luv the Brazilian Cherry Wood Floors. I loved our floors before when they were Oak but there is something about the depth in the color of the Cherry that I just luv !
We finally got the Boy's room painted but they are still sleeping on mattresses on the floor. The living room & front porch need the most work. The fireplace in the living room still has to be completely redone. I cannot wait to get coverings on our windows. I suppose first we need the trim up around them. So yes there is plenty that still needs to get done but everyday we accomplish more and more.
Of course I give all the prompts to my Hubbie who has done all the work on the house and still manages to get up every morning after working late evenings here at the house and goes to work.



  1. Hi, your kitchen is beautiful and I love your scrapbook layouts!

  2. WOW! I love your blog and your banner!! Beautiful picture!
    i am SO glad i could help. YAY!


  3. WOWSA! Love your kitchen!!
    and btw Love your banner too! forgot to mention that before!


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