Cade's First Day of School

Its finally here. The First Day of School. Cade was sooooo looking forward to this day. I had to chuckle to myself as I listen to him talk about all the friends he is going to make . How he can finally learn to read (and I quote him) from a professional. I guess I am not professional enough for him hehhehe.He is six going on seven and I was so surprised to see how clothes conscious he is. He did pick out most of his new school clothes and every comment was "This is In" or "This is so not In !"When did these attitude shirts become so popular. The attitude shirts of course are his favorites like the one that reads: Blame it on my friend, who's the Man, Excuses for not doing Homework:Dog ate it-Aliens Kidnapped Me-Flying Monkie Stole It. I of course humored him as well when he just had to have the "Way In "clothes, Army fatigue pants and shirt. Let me tell you what this "Way In" stuff sure is not cheap !



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