Birthday Party- Cade was so excited. He finally is old enough to realize the difference between the the day of of his actual birth date and the day we celebrate it. Waiting 5 days for his party after his birthday was killing him. I guess I will have to really think this thru better next year.
Every thing went great. I cooked all day which is fine I really enjoy cooking. On the menu we had had Arroz con Gandules, Fajitas de Pollo, Fajitas de Res, Pasta, Tamales, and great Scobby Cookies.
There really is something about having all the people I love the most together. I can't get enough of the sound of laughter and joking, the hugs and kisses. It takes me back to a place in time when I was a little girl. We have always been a close family but we have also been a big family. Holidays were awesome ! 100 family members squeezed into one room. ayyaya
I love the fact that we are a huge Familia Latina. Watching my kids laughing and playing with their cousin makes me soooo happy inside. I want for them what I had as a little girl. Close family bonds.
Well Cade got so many generous gifts. He was really excited with the Nintendo DS and all the games he received from everyone. Damien and I gave him his fist big boy bike. He really was beside himself when Damien brought it in. Now the trick is to teach him how to ride it.
The day ended on a great note. Every one left filled and happy. I have a huge mess to clean up but it was so worth it just being with my family the people I love the most !!!!!!!!!!
Friday as Damien headed over to the bank to transfer money from our business account to our personal account to pay bills the teller tells him we only have $10.00 in our account. We soon find out we were cleaned out of $2,000.00 by some one who made a copy of our VISA Debit at an ATM machine.
Friday as Damien headed over to the bank to transfer money from our business account to our personal account to pay bills the teller tells him we only have $10.00 in our account. We soon find out we were cleaned out of $2,000.00 by some one who made a copy of our VISA Debit at an ATM machine.
We now know that we are insured under Visa and the bank will give us a loan for the money taken until VISA does their investigation and pays us back. So this of course is quite a relief to us. It's just the thought that some one is sitting at home enjoying big screen TV'S on us . While we choose not to have any because we cannot afford one.
Yes they were able to track their Purchases to Walmart were they made two sales for around $1,000.00 each. It's just frustrating !!!!!
How are we ever suppose to feel comfortable again using an ATM ? It's just wrong. I hate to wish them ill but I can't help but hope that the wall that is holding their new purchase some how manages to come crashing down !!!!!!!
now, that is party!
ReplyDeleteThat's awful! I'm always freaked out about if someone's going to steal my card. I'm glad they're going to pay you back though. Some people in this world SUCK!
ReplyDeleteGreat pics.....now I feel hungry looking at all that food!!!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry about your ATM. That is terrible. I hope you get it straightened out soon.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Cade had an awesome birthday! Look at all that yummy food - you have tortured the pregnant lady!;)