It Has Been a While

I don't even know where to begin. These last 3 months have been unbelievably hard. It started with finding out I was pregnant in November. It was quite a surprise for us because we were just sooooo sure we were done.

It didn't take long before the dreaded Morning Sickness kicked in. The only problem was I didn't get hit with normal morning sickness. I got hit with "Hyperemesis Gravidarum" which is excessive vomiting which causes major weight loss and vitamin deficiency. I ended up in the hospital twice due too:
Excessive Weight Loss (26 pounds in 2 months)
Ketones in Urine
Stomach had to be pumped out because it went septic

None of the medication they gave me would work. The Phenegren & Reglan actually made it a whole lot worse. I was put on Zofran which is the same meds that cancer patients are put on and this finally helped a little.

I am finally 19 weeks and am starting to see some hope and am feeling better every day. I still have some days that are worse than others but I can actually get up out of bed and function for the most part.

I think the worst part of all this is the strain that was placed on Damien. He not only took care of me but the kids, cooked the meals , laundry and housecleaning & went to work. He sure is amazing !!!!!

I am now looking forward to having another ultra-sound scheduled to find out what the baby's sex is.



  1. I'm glad you're feeling better! I know if I found out I was prego again, I would feel like crap for a while even if I didn't have any morning sickness!!

  2. HI Norma! Sorry I havent returned your email yet! We've been sick!!!
    (check my blog if you get a chance!) I'm glad you are doing better! Missed you!
    see you around the boards! Hugs


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