All Kinds of Updates

These few weeks have been very difficult. It all started when I went in for a mammogram that showed abnormal masses in my breast. I was than asked to go in and have an ultrasound done that would give a better image. I was pretty much told that the mass they found on the right side that the ultrasound was reading it as a sis and last weeks biopsy confirmed that. Now we are just waiting for the results on the left side biopsy this week which was showing up as suspiciously cancerous.

I went in on Wednesday for the 2nd mamotone biopsy it was absolutely horrible. The procedure it self was very painful compared to the first one. I came home took some pain killers and slept all afternoon, evening and right thru the night. The surgeon said they really went deep and that they had to pass quite a bit of nerve endings for the tissue sample. They extracted about 7 samples that were quite large. I normally do not have a queasy stomach but this procedure was really gross the way that they cut the tissue & then their is a vacuum hose that sucks out the fat & blood cells. Yuck Yuck Yuck

Which brings we to an apologize to my Family and Friends I know that I have not been very good about talking about this or updating but for me it had been emotionally difficult and I feel like I have been on a roller coaster ride. I will try to update as soon as I do get the results for the left side. This weekend was a really rough weekend. I feeel like I have cried right thru it. One moment I feeling confidant and strong and than there are other momments I look at my kids and become so weak in the knees.

O.k. moving on to much more uplifting talk. :' )

I made some slip covers for the ottomans in my kitchen. I wanted something I could simply spot wash and throw in the washer. I am pretty happy with the way they turned out. I will probably make more in different colors after the new year. I had enough material left over and I made Isabella a bib with it. Which I think I might just pick up more fabric this week and make her more. She is drooooooling big time and is going thru them like crazy.

Here are a few pics from Thanksgiving weekend. What a wonderful time we had spending it with our family. In the afternoon we went to Damiens Aunts house and their was so much food there(American Food-Turkey, Mashed Potatoes etc) . I luv it because I get the best of both worlds..... than we went to my brothers girlfriends place where my family was and had a wide variety of Puerto Rican food Yum Yum !!!!!! Than I actually was crazy enough to get up early and joined the mad bunches who headed out for Black Friday. All in all it went well and found some pretty good deals other than my wallet was stolen. Yup you heard me right it was stolen. That of course did not detour me I went to my bank and they helped me cancel everything (credit and debit cards) than they were able to give me cash by using my signature card. So I was able to continue spending money and even got the 50 inch LCD TV my hubby has been wanting.Yeah I finally finished my trees. It takes forever since we put two trees up every year. One in the living room and one in the dinning room. It is so worth the work and I luv how all the decorations make our home feel- So cozy and inviting. Now all I have to do is get busy wrapping up gifts to put under them.



  1. Norma....tears are welling up reading this post and hearing this music play. ((HUGS)) Be strong!! We are all praying for you..

  2. Ooooh my goodness, Norma!! I feel very heartsick reading this. I am pulling for you! I pray your tests come back with good results. This has got to be hard on you, but just feep the faith, girl!

    Your trees look wonderful... My parents always put up 2 trees too!

    And I'm sorry you had your wallet stolen... that blows!

  3. love hearing your good news, Norma! I can't believe how that little girl has grown! What a beautiful family you have! {hugs}


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