Maternity Shoot and House Remodel Update

Yay the kids are back to school. I know I must sound like a horrible parent but Back to School is a good thing around here. My kids Love school... they are such social birds and they love learning. My oldest Cade loves school so much he insisted he wanted to go to summer school. Coming from a straight "A" student at first I thought that was weird but now I am glad that I gave in and let him attend. He loved it!

The one thing I am glad that is over is school shopping. I hate to do back to school shopping ! Forever grateful for Kohls cash !!!! I really cannot believe how much Cade grew over the summer. He is 11 going on 12 and just bought him 30/32 jeans. CRAZY !

I also can't believe how fast our summer went by. I had so many plans on getting things done around the house here. We accomplished alot but not as much as I wanted to. We are still working on Isabella's bedroom. Finally got her room painted and need to order furniture for it.
What we did accomplish was the boys room, guest room, living room. The kitchen and dinning room are done and just need a fresh coat of paint.
Here are some pics:

Hopefully I can get more pics this week of the living room and the boys room.
What I do have pics of is the Maternity pics I just shot.... what a Beautiful couple !

Thanks for letting me share !
Oh also don't forget to visit "For The Luv Of Art" for some GREAT deals on Teresa Collins Traveler, Christmas Home & Haunted Hallows as well as all the Blingage. We also have all of the new My Mind's Eye Lost & Found 2 such a a big selection at Great prices !!!!
Also join us in the Forum for daily challenges and some fantastic discussions...hope to see you there !
Warmly, Norma



  1. You have been super busy! I love your photography, so natural looking.
    Katie x

  2. Gorgeous photo shoot!
    and the bedroom in the first pics - what a beautiful room, and I love that artwork!

  3. I love your remodel pix AND the maternity shoot! You did a beautiful job with the photo shoot... they must be so excited with what you captured!

    That green guest room is just awesome... I love the bedding!


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