Recently I had a good friend ask me "Do You Ever Take Unfocused Photos or Just Bad Pictures"? I than began to explain how important it is to understand depth of field. How there are so many thing to remember before you click the shuttter button. I even went down the list below on how to prepare yourself so this doesn't happen.
1.) Use the Sharpest Aperture
2.) Switch to Single Point Auto Focus
3.) Lower Your ISO
4.) Use a Better Lens
5.) Remove Lens Filters
6.) Check Sharpness on Your LCD Screen
It wasn't till after she left that Damien looked at me and said " I don't think that's what she was asking you". I than realized what a Dummy I am with a capital D! LOL
What she simply just wanted to know was... "do I ever take crap pictures"?
The answer to this is absolutely YES!!!!
You see technology has come along way. Before when we use to shoot with film and you had to make every click count and even than about half my film would end up undesirable. Now there are so many ways to cheat to achieve a great picture.
huuummm cheat you ask?
Well , as advanced as many programs like Photo Shop have become just about any image with any flaw can be edited.It has also become so popular to stage every photo shoot minimizing the possibility of bad imagery.
So all this to just say... As much as I luv Photoshop & prep work with staged photography I am learning to appreciate all the flaws in my imagery. Believe me it happens more often than not.
You see there is beauty in a candid picture like a quirky smile, closed eyes, even the occasional photo bomb. How about a little baby fussing and crying, or even a mom caught shouting out a command. You see ... in the process of making every thing appear perfect we have eliminated the memories that caused these Imperfect pictures to begin with.
I remember the image below so well. You see I had Isabella dressed to a T that day... Had my backdrops prepped and everything was staged beautifully! But it isn't the staged pics I remember & love from that day. It's this out of focus, blurry , catch her before she gets to far moment. I laugh every time I look at it and appreciate that I have it.
I have recently started including these Imperfect images in my client books.
It's ok to not always have perfect pictures. Learning to value that it's ok
actually makes me a better photographer.
I would rather capture and turn over memorable moments
to my clients than to hand them a book of just Beautiful, perfect pictures!
Make sure to check out the link's these kind of pictures
that will have one laughing for years!
Make sure to check out the link's these kind of pictures
that will have one laughing for years!
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