I Choose! Do you?

This past year and a half has been like none other. (since I became an adult..lol )
Most of you know that Damien suffered a heart attack. As if that wasn't scary & enough he than got very ill three months later. It took some time and baffled the Dr.s as to his blood loss, than with four blood transfusions later they diagnosed him with colon cancer.

Yup, you heard me right. WHAT?!!!! NO!!!!! That was my exact thoughts and feeling when the Dr. came out to tell us. Not what I expected at all! I was feeling pretty hopeful and thinking it could be a small polyp or lesion. That was until the Dr came in , so I naturally stood up. Than I knew right away this cant be good when he said "can you please have a sit". I remember one thought going through my head and that was "oh God no!" as he explained it was the so large and he believed the cancer to be late stage.

This was probably the worst moment in my life! And yet, in those moments I still believed to be Blessed!

Ok so now lets forward to three and a half months ago. Two biopsy's later I was told I had breast cancer in my left breast and that a mastectomy was in order. After shock and Damien's blood pressure getting so high that it landed him back in the hospital, we choose a second opinion. So glad we did this because they decided to cut deep and try to remove all the cancer first. And yet, in those moments I still believed to be Blessed!

It has been such a long road, our finances are a wreck with Damien not being able to work for 11 months. He just had to miss another month during the time of my surgery and he needs another surgery coming up soon to clear out an 90% block on an artery. And yet, in these moments I still believe to be Blessed!

Most days lately we have an empty refrigerator, trying to figure out where this Nipsco payment is coming from is never FUN, no Christmas gifts this year for our kids... And yet, in this moment I still believe to be Blessed!

Ok, so just to be clear...its not like I am opening up my fridge and looking at all the empty shelves and screaming at the top of my lungs "I AM BLESSED" . LOL
That would be just crazy, right?! Most days its not easy to walk in it, I have to be purposeful and make a choice.

But what we have to remember is that our circumstances never determines Gods's love for us or what may feel as God's lack of it. His gift of ultimate sacrifice and love on the cross doesn't change because we are hurting or in pain. If anything I feel so grateful and that much more Blessed that he choose to cover me so that I can have eternal salvation.
Colossians 3:2 
Set your mind on the things that are above, not on the things that are upon the earth.

Do you remember the classic song "Turn your eyes upon Jesus?" It is so beautiful and so true. The words go like this:

"Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
and the things of this earth will
grow strangely dim In the light
of His glory and grace."

We have to make choices everyday. I can make the choice to not complain and live bitterly. Telling every one and any one who will listen about my whoa's or I can take to heart what God tells me in His word.
 John 8:12
Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

If you are a follower of Jesus He says we are the light of life. It doesn't say when all things go well or when  there is an abundance. So I choose every day .... I have made the choice to be the light of life , to live blessed through Him.

What will you choose?

Here is an 8x10 printable wall art to help remind you to choose to live Blessed.
It doesn't matter if you frame it, just print it out and put it up as a reminder!!!
Start today by choosing to Live Blessed and to be The Light of Life that HE says YOU are!

I also created an IPhone and IPhone Plus Wallpaper. Just click below to download.



  1. Wow!!! I needed this. Thank you for sharing. It truly is a choice. Praying for you all. Love and miss you guys.
    Michelle Silva


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